An essential guide to practicing the cognitive skills needed for making better decisions in the age of data, algorithms, and AI.
Hero Book

After reading Make Better Decisions, you’ll know how to…

Identify when our automatic decision-making systems will lead you astray or in the right direction.

Work through the what, when, why, and how of making better decisions.

Confidently use your new decision-making habits in all situations, even with complex data.

You already know how to make bad decisions … as do we all. This is the book you've been looking for to help you grow the skills and the confidence to make better decisions more of the time.

— Michael Bungay Stanier
author of  The Coaching Habit and How to Begin

So much research on biases in judgment and thinking; how to make use of it? The Edwards have done just that, distilled the numerous disparate phenomena into a practical guide that you can use.

— Barbara Tversky
Emerita Professor of Psychology, Stanford University, Professor of Psychology at Teachers College at Columbia University, and author of Mind in Motion

The book takes a novel and creative approach to a problem that has been investigated from every angle. It's refreshing, both in the focus on data and in the clever use of expert recommendations. I'll be scouring it for ideas for my decision-making courses and for my own writing and research.

— Steven Sloman
Professor of Cognitive Linguistic & Psychologic Sciences, Brown University and co-author of The Knowledge Illusion

With Make Better Decisions, Helen and Dave have provided an elegant guide for reducing the complexity of the modern digital world that makes decision-making so hard. The 50 nudges they have crafted are instantly useful and serve as concrete techniques for making better decisions by yourself or with others..

— Tim Leberecht
Co-CEO, House of Beautiful Business and author of The Business Romantic